hometextile & design

Fringe program

A three-day educational and business program is a traditional accompaniment of Hometextile & Design. Specialized events will be held as part of Hometextile & Design 2022, including: forums, presentations, master classes, events from participants, as well as the only International Award for Textile Designers and Decorators in Russia.
Fringe program schedule
20 september, Tuesday
11.00 – 11.30
Trends and prospects for the development of the bed linen and home textile market
Ekaterina Kolina, Director, IndexBox
- How did the market overcome the consequences of the pandemic, what's next?
- What challenges do manufacturers face in 2022?
How have shopping habits changed?
- What are the market participants' expectations for the coming years?
Transformation of consumer expectations and demands
Elena Shishova, Deputy Head of the Group, Research Holding Romir
- Consumer sentiment and expectations in dynamics for 2022
- Consumer challenges and savings strategies
- "Response word" of the retail market - developing formats, market trends
- How to stay in the buyer's wallet and gain his trust?
11:30 – 13:00
Textile retail transformation 2022–2023
Moderator: Boris Sidorov, General Director of Kashirsky Dvor Razvitie, Marketing Director of TC Kashirsky Dvor, founder of the club for designers and architects Premio.Design
Anna Nesmashnova, Head of Development Department, Zebra Home Textile Markets, Anastasia Shostak, Director of the Lara Odealkino chain of stores,
Yulia Kalyukina, Head of Department Textiles, Crockery, Carpets and Light, Hoff
Your house
- Impact of sanctions on supplier-network relationships
- Development of partnerships. Are we creating our own or are we going to the East?
- Omnichannel and eCommerce retailers VS retail business
- Are promotional activities and joint actions of suppliers with retail chains still the "engine of trade"? What consumer leverage (trade marketing tools) to use in 2022?
- European trend for environmental friendliness. What is Russian business ready to offer to its customers?
13:00 – 13:30
Trends in interior design 22-23
Natalia Badieva, product manager, AMIGO company
Overview of current and upcoming trends in interior design, presentation of AMIGO's trend guide for 2023
13:30 – 15:00
Marketplaces. What happens to sales in the segment of textiles and household goods?
Efim Aldukhov, co-founder of goOMNI and OMNI Solutions
Irina Likhonkina, head of the household goods category group, Ozon
Anna Pronkina, Head of Home Goods, SberMegaMarket marketplace
Elena Shepel, category manager, Yandex Market
What happens to sales in the segment of textiles and household goods?
- Dynamics of sales in the segment of household goods and textiles
- Distribution of sales between sellers and brands in different segments
- Sales development trends in the segment
- Who will be the leaders in 2023?
15:00 – 16:30
Horeca&Textile Forum
Moderator: tbu
Valery Lizunov, architect, founder of the Archpoint bureau
Christina and Mikhail Yesenin, designers, founders of the ESENINS design studio
Alexandrova Tatyana, Head of B2B Department, Togas
Salikhova Lilia, Lead Manager, Togas
- Modern concepts in the design of hotels and restaurants
- Textile trends in the design of objects in the HoReCa segment
- Features of communication - hotel and supplier. Interaction of the designer with the customer and suppliers
- Import substitution in the configuration of Horeca facilities without loss of quality
- Resources and services for interaction
16:30 – 17:10
Carpet in the interior. From idea to realization
Eva Bergman, designer, artist
- Work with production. Creation of collections of carpets. Stages of work.
- What does the client want today? How to make the perfect carpet for a finished interior.
- Where to get inspiration? Stylization, shaping, color.
17:10 – 18:00
Artist and production - dreams and reality
Kirill Ovchinnikov, Russian artist
Fringe program schedule
21 September, Wednesday
10:30 - 11:00
Opportunities and tools for professional cooperation in furnishing interiors
Anna Zezyulya, commercial director of TOGAS
Natalya Kalashnikova, chief designer of CI at TOGAS
- Interior home textiles as a hidden expense in interior design.
- Interior home textiles, as a means of a more figurative illustration of the interior and the professionalism of the master.
- Interior home textiles, as an addition to the master's reward.
- Evidence of the need to bookmark the cost of interior home textiles at the design stage.
11:00 – 11:50
Two major design trends
Olga Loktionova, designer, textile decorator, founder and head of the Details Sochi textile studio
We are on the threshold of great changes. The world, colors, ecology and behavior of people are changing. All this undoubtedly affects the design industry. Two main and completely different trends in design. Confrontation or reconciliation?
- Reviews of new products.
- New color palette
- Influential décor, accessories, patterns and looks.
- New story. Russia. Trends and inspiration.
11:50 – 12:30
Author's handwriting and the way to it
Yesenia Semipyadnaya, President of the Union of Textile Designers and Decorators
- Basic tools for creating author's handwriting
- Where to get inspiration from and how to create your own style from it
12:30 - 13:00
Non-standard window design solutions in modern interiors
Svetlana Morozova, Sales Manager, Uyut JSC
Vyacheslav Baranov, Sales Manager, Uyut JSC
- Unique full dimming system.
- The use of wooden blinds in windows of complex shape.
- Possibility of individual coloring of different products.
- Trendy collection of cornices "Dominica" and the possibility of its modification.
- Modern Waltz system with remote control.
- Examples of brackets and tiebacks according to the designer's sketch and the possibility of their application.
13:00 – 13:30
Prints with history. Bedding as an art object
Irina Tatarnikova, design bureau IT-DECOR, teacher of the school "Details"
Maria Gavrish, founder of the MOLLEN brand
13:30 – 14:30
The evolution of textile design
Galina Lugina, textile decorator, industrial designer, speaker
Martin Grübener, managing partner of BANDEX
Tatyana Chernykh, official representative of the company in Russia
- Textile decoration in historical and modern interiors.
- From historical styles to emotional design.
- Change in taste preferences and development of technologies.
- The main methods of textile decoration in our days.
Features of new visual ranges of technical and decorative fittings for curtains.
- Textile accessories and new technologies as a way to create new visuals.
14:30 – 15:30
Prints and ornaments: world trends from leading decorators
Daria Kazantseva, designer, decorator, teacher and lecturer
- overview of world exhibitions (trends)
- trends in prints, ornaments, coloring
- design names and their projects
15:30 – 16:30
Textiles - as one of the main tools for decorating interiors
Boris Dmitriev, decorator
- How to use the potential of colors, patterns and textures and express it through the choice of textiles, wallpaper to create an interior that reflects your personality.
- How to go beyond the usual patterns, fill the space with the character and style of its owner.
- How to use textiles, wallpaper as an impulse to create something new and unique in its own way.
- How textiles can acquire symbolic meaning and become the starting point in creating a space with many rooms.
- How to understand textile textures in order to create countless variations with a common idea and plot, how to show character and originality in the details of the object environment
17:00 – 18:00
Award Ceremony of the Textile Designers and Decorators Award
Fringe program schedule
22 September, Thursday
11:00 – 11:30
Trends 22–23 in textile decor. Does the trend make the interior unique?
Roman Salnikov, co-founder of Decortier, textile design expert
11:30 – 12:00
Designer vs textile decorator. Smart Engagement Tools
Ekaterina Dyatlova, professional architect, interior designer
- Terms of reference for a textile decorator: how to convey your idea
- how to sell the idea of textile design to a client so that the budget remains exactly
- disputable situations at the facilities: who is to blame and what to do
- case studies
12:00 – 13:00
The psychology of color and the creation of a harmonious environment for the customer
Anna Pronskaya, designer, fabric designer, artist, author of training programs on composition and textile decoration
- Heteronomic colors and their impact on humans
- Primary and additional colors in psychology and their meaning for humans
- Preferences of a certain palette in different social groups
- Kalenda color model and interior
- Coloristic schemes in the interior: composition and psychology
13:00 – 13:45
Sustainability, benefits and savings - new approaches in textile design
Anna Kuts, textile designer, technologist and head of textile tailoring and reupholstery at Manders
Environmental friendliness - this phrase has already set the teeth on edge in recent years with its stereotyped and often misunderstood meaning and meaning. Meanwhile, both artificial and synthetic fabrics can be environmentally friendly.
Environmental friendliness can be expressed in the competent selection and installation of the consumer. Environmental friendliness can be expressed in the introduction of technological maps, reducing labor costs, which leads to process optimization.
13:45 – 14:15
Advertising and PR tools on the way to promote a textile decorator
Alexandra Naydenova, practicing textile designer, Atmosfera Curtain Salon
How can a textile decorator stand out among colleagues?
- tools for textile decorator to work with social networks
What if not Instagram
- personal brand of a textile decorator: on my own experience
14:15 – 15:00
TOP 3 networking secrets for designers and decorators
Ekaterina Chegnova, co-founder and academic director of the Star Talk School Network
- What is Win-Win Thinking and how to develop the skill of thinking about the benefits for others
- Fundamentals of building strategic partnerships for the long term
- How to become a successful networker: easy to establish contacts and maintain relationships correctly
- And most importantly - how to do it in English, taking into account the peculiarities of intercultural communication

Master classes area

Guided Tours
Specialized tours will help you get a complete picture of the products and the exhibition as a whole. Sign up for a walk accompanied by an experienced curator. Choose the itinerary that interests you
Exposition guided tour
General tour of the exposition of the exhibition for designers to manufacturers of interior fabrics, cornices and sun protection systems.

Tour leader: Natalia Zorina
20.09: 11.30 - 13:00
Group gathering in 10 minutes at the fountain
Trend Rooms tour-presentation
Trend Gallery Presentations by Trend Rooms Curator Zoe Tee and 6 Room Designers

20.09: 13.30 - 15:00
21.09: 13.30 - 15:00
Group gathering in 10 minutes at the fountain
Product tour for the HoReCa segment
The tour program includes manufacturers and suppliers of: bed linen, table textiles, interior fabrics with special properties.
20.09: 13:00 - 15:00
21.09: 11:00 - 13:00
The tour will be conducted by Tatyana Kibireva, President of the Union of Housekeeping Service Specialists under the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRIO).

Group gathering in 10 minutes at the fountain
Hot topics 2022
The fringe program events 2022 will be held in the conference hall. The main topics
  • Business

    Wholesale buyers, retailers and distributors will talk about consumer behavior, trends and directions of market development

  • New! Marketplaces

    New topic! Series of discussions about entering the leading marketplaces in Russia, promotion features, sales strategies and other life hacks from leading trading platforms: Ozon, Wildberries, Yandex Market, SberMegaMarket and Lamoda

  • New! HoReCa designers

    Design of objects in HoReCa segment : modern concepts and textile trends

  • Retail

    Trade marketing tools, problems and ways to solve them. Leroy Merlin, Your House, Hoff, Maksidom, Brownie, Askona, Stockmann, Divan.ru and others are invited

  • Design

    World trends, novelties in the design of residential and public spaces, the secrets of promoting a personal brand and digital marketing in new reality. Art objects in the interior, the selection rules and fashion trends will be discussed 

  • New! Materials Science

    New theme that will introduce you to the technologies and trends in creating experimental textiles from original raw materials.The main trend is focus on sustainability

Special shows Hometextile & Design

International Textile Designers and Decorators Award

A large-scale event in the textile decoration industry of the CIS countries, designed to support talented textile designers and decorators, promote innovative ideas in the field of interior design and, of course, form a pool of the best in the profession.
Hometextile & Design TREND ROOMS - conceptual zone for interior solutions.
Textiles, wallpapers, moldings, paints and interior decor items will play a major role in this project!
Highlights 2021